Friday, August 20, 2010

Guys: Can I sleep in your bed?

Ok I know this might sound stupid but here goes. Sometimes I really want to sleep in my boyfriend's bed at night because I think it would be nice to cuddle with him and stuff. We are not having sex because I am waiting till marriage, but we do make out sometimes in his bed. How do I ask him if I can spend the night there? Would he like that or would he get annoyed since we're not going to have sex? I'm 18 and he is 19, and we go to college together.Guys: Can I sleep in your bed?
My girlfriend and I are the same way. We're saving sex until we are married(or at least until we're engaged) and we sleep in the same bed and have NO sex.

I can't remember EXACTLY how she first started staying the night. Well I first moved out from home, but I mean I don't remember exactly what words were said.

I do believe we first got comfortable with each other then when we went on dates, we would forget the movies and would come to my place to relax and we would watch a movie here.

Then it got to the point where it would be late and she would just stay the night.Guys: Can I sleep in your bed?
Met me tell you what... I promised myself that I would wait until marriage for having sez.. And when you get into the same bed, or eventhink about spending the night together, it means sex.. Try to fight it but there will be A LOT of pressure on him to have sex... And when I mean pressure, I mean, you will physically hurt him. I cannot explain anatomy too much to you, but well here it goes, the penis swells up with blood making it hars, and the longer you stay in his bed, the more his blood pumps, and the worse his private area hurts.. I means it hurts.. But u will prolly try it anyways, not a good idea.. I'm just letting you know from experience... Lots... That if you wanna wait until marriage, STAY OUT OF THE BED!!
If he's your boyfriend he should allow you to sleep over and not worry about if he's getting sex or not. If you told him your waiting until marriage then he should already be understanding and not get his hopes up. Just be more comfortable with him and ask if you can stay the night. Like i said, if he cares about you he would just enjoy being able to hold you all night :)
You should tell him if you could just sleep with him on his bed

and not have sex cuz he should respect that

atleast he would have someone to keep him warm at night and so would you.I dont think he would pass that up
i don't know it may frustrate him physically, but he'll prob like cuddling. i think doing this often can easily lead to having sex. i guess ask just ask him what he's comfortable with.
he probably will be wanting the sex however, I dont see much of a problem with it, in todays society its now acceptable to do such things besides your both adults.
I'm not sure that I can spend a night with a girl without having sex .
il be thrilled to make out n cuddle with a girl in bed
You might have to ask him for his opinion directly to get the definite answer, but approach him with it and find out how comfortable he is with the sleep over. To pull this off you will need to make arrangements; I'd consider at the very least sleeping on the couch or somewhere other than in his bed.

On the other side, if you feel comfortable and your relationship is already well established (how long has this relationship been going, please say at least a year). This might be cliche but, it won't be long before you look back and realize how young 18 and 19 is. That's a ripe age for sexual experimentation.

Ask yourself how committed you are to saving it for marriage (because these days that comes more than once), then ask yourself if you are committed to him. If you can say that and you can say that about him towards you, then I'd invite you to feel differently about saving it unless it's for religious reasons. That or start talking and setting the date for the knot tie; realistically, it shouldn't be much longer than 2-4 years out if you have school in mind.

Personally, as a young man, it would be easy to avoid being tempted too strongly for sex outright, but when that's off limits the lines blur when you consider everything else that could happen under the sheets - if anything like that happens, rethink why you're saving it in the first place because you might as well not. But again, as a young man, a woman I am seeing crawling into my bed means she's ready. So, be cautious and don't do anything without asking him first and seeing where he's at with you, and don't give out the wrong body signals or he will be expecting it to go further until it happens. Good luck.
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