Monday, August 16, 2010

Why does my friend drang me around with her and her BF, how can i tell her i feel like the third wheel? help!!?

Okay so my friend knows lately I’ve been depressed because of me and my boyfriend isn’t here. At lest I hope she’s been listening to me, yet I don’t think she has been. And well you see we’ll be hanging out alone, at the mall or after school by our school. And then she’ll be not listening testing on her cell phone. And she wont be talking to me, and I’m like okay she’s probably texting her boyfriend. Not that big of an issues. And then she’ll be like “omg I miss my boyfriend” and she’ll start whining about it. And then I’ll feel worst cuz I already miss mine and I won’t see him till July. So she sits there whining “oh I miss Adam. Why can’t I see Adam. I WANT MY ADAM!!!” And then she’ll ask if we can go somewhere cuz her bf is. And I’ll be like “why. I thought we WERE just going to hang out. Not all 3 of us.” Like I mean, okay she has a bf. Not that big of an issues but I hate being a 3rd wheel and she wont let me not go because then she’s not “her” self around him... so when we go, She sits there and is cuddling and kiss with him and stuff and then there me, how is one depressed and 2 I feel totally un-wanted. So then we’ll “go” throw I don’t know about it and we are to just say “hi” yet that hi becomes 2 hours of just me standing there compately bored and pissed off out of my mind. Why can’t she stop that and think about me for a second? Like even when she’s over at my house, he call’s and I’m like “oh hi” and then we’ll be talking which is usually “I love you. –Kisses-”or saying nothing and she’ll be watching a movie anyways. And then she’ll rip the phone out of my hands and be like “Hi, Sarah has to go! –Click!-” and I’ll be like WTF. And she’ll be like “what I hate hearing you talk to your boyfriend. It makes me feel like im un-wanted! I want to talk to adam. I want to see adam. If I cant see him you can’t talk to your boyfriend/” **** I don’t get it at all. She has a cell phone she can easily text him on with!! me and my boyfriend are in a long distances relation ship and hers is here, she see hers everyday during school. Our has last for about 10 months almost now, and yet hers that has only last so far for 3 is more Important then mine??? I don’t even get this anymore. why doesn’t she seem to care about me? and how do I tell her that I don’t want to be with her when she goes and sees her boyfriend?Why does my friend drang me around with her and her BF, how can i tell her i feel like the third wheel? help!!?
if she's a good friend.. be honest.

and if u guys fight so much about boyfriend problems.. maybe u shouldn't be friends?
  • Faratech
  • stinger
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